Thursday, 23 February 2012


Our moto adventure last weekend took Helen and I to the Tongo Hills in pursuit of the Tenzug Shrines.  A nice little 40 or so minute trip.  I was slightly worried we would be lacking the breeze we get at Vea Dam but the extra altitude suited us just right despite the desert landscape.  We spent the trip lounging on one of the many rocks under an insect infested tree eating our picnic and having a good old chat.
We didn’t make it into the Tenzug Shrines as planned.  The Shrines weren’t quite what we had anticipated. For a start they were 10GHC to get in and Helen and I hadn’t taken enough cash with us and secondly we were told to read the letter below before we went in…

…needless to say I will never find it necessary to visit the inside of the Tensug Shrine…

1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh, lots. No wonder the guides are more than happy to answer any questions...pervs ; )
