Friday 16 December 2011

Zar’s leaving party

Zar leaving for her home was a bit of a blow.  She was my Philapino housemate; a whole lot of fun, a great cook and super thoughtful.  She had grand ideas for her leaving party of a chill out area ‘up on the roof’ after our time together as housemates had included a lot of roof top fun.  You know the kind of thing; candles, mats on the floor, cushions, a few drinks, some food and tunes…and it was lovely, fellow vols and Ghanaian colleagues were enjoying the ambiance we had created.   Unfortunately my enjoyment of this particular event was cut short with me literally flying down the spiral staircase which allows access to our roof top terrace.  I somehow managed to miss the customary stepping on the steps part of the journey completely, instead my right foot suddenly ended up somewhere against my arse.  This left the top part of my right foot and bottom of my shin to bounce down the steps aided by the well-padded White West African Arse (I didn’t know I was still able to do that move), and my left foot simply dangled uselessly in front of my bouncing body.  I stopped myself falling all the way down by hooking my arm awkwardly over the spiral bannister (amazingly still holding onto the Smirnoff Ice I was taking down to a friend).  Friction between the metal bannister and my arm being the winning combination for a motionless position and the start of much pain (despite the vodka consumed) and utter embarrassment.  The cause? I blame the grip-less flip-flops not the vodka. The frozen bottle of vodka did however help reduce the bruising on my arm (and a few ‘neat’ swigs of the dregs of the bottle helped stop me crying – as prescribed by Nurse Ali).  A cold pure water sachet helped reduce the swelling on the ankle.  Numerous bruises, a sprained ankle, a couple of packets of codeine with paracetamol, cold compresses and tubigrip bandages; a trip to the clinic after 5 days for an x ray, ibuprofen and a diuretic (I haven’t taken the diuretic- it’s fat not water retention) and 9 days off work later, the ankle was better – not perfect. I had to miss my next adventure to go to the Upper West Region for the weekend. Will have to find out what adventures are in store for me there another time… Further resting of ankle was in order which was most frustrating as everything else was perfectly well and functioning (that is apart from the Ghana Brain).  Thank goodness for good housemates and Nurse Ali from Zebilla -Town.

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